Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Update on Rod

Just a quick blog to let you know that Rod had his operation during late afternoon on Monday. He was transferred to the high dependency unit as a precaution and, given that everything was progressing as expected, he was returned to the ward yesterday. The operation went smoothly and his recovery was progressing well until he found himself experiencing increasing levels of pain and discomfort during yesterday afternoon and overnight. It seems that the epidural was anaesthetising his mattress rather than him (there was a leak) and once this was discovered he was put on another pain control regime which is now working, although leaving him feeling very tired.

The physios attempted to get him walking this morning but Rod's blood pressure was low causing him to feel  faint and, fearful that he was going to pass out on them (they must have had a scary vision of being crushed under his 6'2" frame), they wisely decided to wait and try again tomorrow.

Rod is very grateful for all the love and best wishes that have been coming his way (and mine) so thank you for that and I hope to be letting you know, over the next few days, about his discharge date.



  1. Thank you. Reassuring to hear that he is being looked after and hope his recovery goes well. X

  2. Thanks for letting us know Diana. seems very painful but at least he has had the op. Our best wishes go with you both, Mahasiddhi and Shelagh xx

  3. Hi Diana, Rod

    Thanks for the updates. Its really good news that the op went so well.

    A note for all your followers: by simply leaving your blog page open and refreshing it every so often ... I simply keep seeing the same post and not any of the updates. So I only just saw the 2 posts since 19 Sept! And me a computer scientist ...
    So I will be regularly checking


  4. Hello all out there,
    I'm worried about how Rod is doing. Is there anybody who can give me an update on how Rod is doing. How was the operation and the results? What's happening now. And if you will talk with him, please send him my love and energies.
    Gerd from Heidelberg
