Monday, 30 July 2012

Another holiday

The die/Di is cast.

We are going on holiday to Israel. We will stay with my son-in-law, Amichai's, family in Tel Aviv. Amichai, my daughter and their two children, Oren and Ella, will also be there. The invitation has been extended to us for some time now but was re-stated with renewed enthusiasm and generosity not long after my diagnosis last May.

So, it's been an expensive hassle getting medical travel insurance and it's a crazy time to go because it promises to be very hot but this is the right moment. I'm not sure how many other opportunities there will be and it feels important to make this connection with an outpost of the extended family. (Of course, for Amichai's parents, Rachel and Efraim, it is we in England who are the outpost - but you know what I mean.)

If I'm honest, I'm apprehensive, particularly about the travel but this has been a decision a long time in the making and having been made, will stand.

I had some indirect feedback from an ex-allotment holder the other day that suggested she saw me as somebody who was very cautious and unwilling to take risks. It's amazing isn't it from whence people get these strange notions?

Perhaps I will get the opportunity to blog on location, in Israel? Graphic, heat-stained images, tastes and aromas from the Holy Land - I need the boost in my stats. Oh! Did I mention that I can now get stats on how many people are reading my blog? and from which country? and the time of reading? and what the reader had for breakfast?

For some reason these figures have become important to me - tell your friends. I need more hits.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Rod

    It's great that you are going to spend this time with family in this exotic place. Are you able to post photos on the blog ? I hope so. And some wry insightful cultural commentary ? It's the least we'll all expect!

    Let us know when to expect you back ...

